About MAD

MAD is the educational component of the non profit arts group Arts Initiative Tokyo (AIT), founded in 2001. MAD stands for Making Art Different, and was begin as a pilot program in 2001. At that time, we felt that there was a strong need for discursive spaces for contemporary art in Tokyo which were different to traditional art universities. Museums at that time did not offer much in the way of adult education for people with a serious interest in modern and contemporary art either. MAD began as a small initiative offering courses in curating contemporary art, introductions to modern and contemporary art and a course for practicing artists.

Since 2001 we have grown to become one of the oldest and successful privately initiated schools? art aimed at a non specialist audience. The vast majority of our students are working people, with an age range from twenty to sixty and beyond. Most are working people and professionals, although we increasingly also receive many people of retired age as well as some students.

Our commitment remains to broaden the appeal and interest in modern and contemporary art in Japan through small scale, in depth lectures and discussions. Over the 15 years we have offered courses, many former students have gone on to work professionally in the arts field as gallerists, curators, educators and artists as well as many who have travelled abroad to continue their studies.


Art & Culture TRIPS

 11月30日(土) 9:00-19:00(予定)

定員:25名 *最小催行人数:15名
料金:¥16,000(税別)*コース生 ¥2,000引

水戸芸術館現代美術センターの「アートセンターをひらく 第Ⅱ期」と茨城朝鮮初中高級学校「オープン・スクール」ほかに訪問予定です。

Art & Culture TRIPS


ゲスト:向谷地宣明(MCMedian代表取締役 / NPO法人BASE代表理事)、浦河べてるの家関係者ほか
訪問先:「第27回べてるまつり in 浦河」(浦河町総合文化会館)ほか
定員:20名 *最小催行人数:14名
※ 早期「お問合せ」割引 / MAD生割引あり


Art & Culture TRIPS

 4月20日(土) 14:00-18:00(予定)

ゲスト:和佐野有紀(PROJECT501ディレクター / 耳鼻咽喉科医)
定員:12名 *最小催行人数:7名
料金:¥7,500(税別)*コース生 ¥2,000引


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